Following our expansion into wholesale, we have moved some of our banking from the Cooperative Bank to Triodos. We are impressed by the values and methods of Triodos: here are a few example from their website:
- We only lend “real” money entrusted to us by our savers and investors who share our values, so there’s no need for us to borrow from other banks.
- Our lending is 100% ethical and transparent – we publish details of every organisation we lend to.
- Triodos Bank is a co-founder of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values, a global network of leading sustainable banks. As a world leading sustainable bank and a leading provider of microfinance in 43 developing countries, we’re dedicated to playing our part in the global movement towards a more sustainable way of doing business.
We actually made this change a few months ago – but we are announcing it now (In November) because the Triodos Business Development Manager, Tom Owen, and the Triodos Relationship Manager, Simon Crichton, have signed up to follow a month long Vegan pledge for World Vegan Month. As well as their usual commitment to eating locally and buying fair trade, they will, for one whole month, eat a locally sourced, fair trade, 100% vegan diet. Triodos will donate to The Vegan Society when someone chooses to save ethically. Find out more at
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